Nick weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 6 ounces at his last appointment…which is almost what Graham weighed at birth. People still stop us at stores and ask when he was born, expecting me to say sometime recently, and then always comment on what a little guy he is when I tell them he was born on Valentine's Day. But, he has outgrown all his newborn clothes and moved into size one diapers!
Nick is a good eater-he is still ready to eat every 2.5-3 hours or so, and usually always has a good appetite and finishes his bottle. For now, he is still on a mixture of Similac for Spit Up and Similac Sensitivity formula, and receives his vitamin every other day now.
I'm finding that an adjusted age is a hard thing to come to terms with. I know that, developmentally, he should only be acting like a one month old. He basically does act like a very chill newborn, in the sense that he sleeps for most of the day, wakes up when he is hungry, and does a good job when it comes to tummy time and holding his head up. But still, it makes me panic a little to think about how different he is from any other baby born in February. I can't imagine Nick smiling, cooing, or mimicking my facial expressions, like three month old babies should. I'm sure there has been lots of research done on this, but, as a teacher, it worries me about when and how he will close these gaps and catch up to his peers.
Coming Up:
Over the past month, Nick met most of his extended family and all of his cousins, received his first round of vaccines, and celebrated Mother's Day and my husband's 30th birthday. It has been so fun introducing him to so many of the people who prayed so hard for him during my pregnancy and his time in the NICU. Coming up this month, we will be heading to the beach! I am so excited to show Nick the ocean and feel like the NICU is (literally) hundreds of miles away. Also, Nick will finally meet with the pediatric GI doctor to hopefully get to the bottom of his #poopproblems. Thanks for reading! : )
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